With Spring ushering in a season of festivities and outdoor adventures, this also means more vehicles on the road and a greater risk of accidents.
Cartrack, a leading car-tracking company, notes that theft of car components is now more common than theft of entire vehicles. The demand for affordable parts on the black-market fuels this trend.
South Africa’s road fatality rate for 2022, paint a grim picture,’ with the country’s roads being found to be among the most dangerous in the world.
You’ve got new wheels and can’t wait to hit the road, but not so fast – it’s vital that you insure your car before you drive it. Still, don’t be too quick to commit to an insurance provider. Here are some common mistakes people make when getting car insurance quotes and how you can avoid them.
Insufficient coverage, increased premiums and potential financial losses are just a few of the problems you could run into if you don’t get the right insurance cover. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up some common mistakes people make when getting car insurance quotes so you don’t make them too!
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